For my everyday beauty routine I take special notice of my face. I can't afford to go out without putting on my basic beauty essentials, and not especially in the hot Florida days.
Many years ago I used to sun bathe. We grew up always going to a pool or the beach. Until my late 20's I realized that I was starting to have sun spots. For me, I thought it was kind of nice to have some freckles. And after being out in the sun I loved how my skin had that sun skin glow.
In my early 30's and mid 30's I still had a healthy skin. And even though, I started to noticed some lines of expression, it wasn't a real deal for me.
But later things started to change. After many years of having a smooth complexion, I had started to noticed on my face, the all dreaded, ,every girls nightmare, the all enemy of skin, "The Wrinkle."
This bad wrinkle is right on my forehead, the perfect place for anybody to notice it. Technically speaking this thing is called "A Mr. Frown." The weird part of my frown was how it got there, which I am still trying to figure out.
Several years I had the worst case of Gastritis. Every time I had this stomach pain my whole skin would get dry and wrinkly jut like a prune. That was when I first started to noticed Mr. Frown. After my health improved and my skin improved, I thought for sure that Mr. Frown would to.
Well, unfortunately that wasnt the case. Mr. Frown decided to stay in town, right on my face. I couldn't this time ignore my skin. This time I had to take action! I had to regain my face again.
I am a very sensitive girl. So I can't use any kind of cream, especially if they have strong chemicals. I had used some cold creams before, which worked fine in making my skin smooth like a babies bottom. Though this time, I needed something more effective, stronger and yet safe for my sensitve skin.
I am excited to say that I found a great product that I am very happy with! The name is Liiv Botanicals Face Serum, from Avon. As you already know I started to sell Avon several months ago. So when I learned about this natural serum that helps to minimize frowns and lines of expressions, I couldn't wait try it right away.
It has been a month that I started using Liiv Botanicals Face Serum, and I have to say I am 100% pleased with it! Little by little, I have noticed a great improvement on my face. There are days that Mr. Frown is hardly noticeable and there are days that he doesn't show up at all! In addition I had had a brown spot for more than a year, and it is almost gone! This product lived up to it's promise! I am a happy Avon representative and customer!
Go Avon!
Have a great weekend!
You are welcome to visit my Avon page anytime: Your Avon Lady
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