I had recently launched my new website Time Warp Wives. Inspired by the British documentary “Time Warp Wives”, I wanted to create a website where I could have the opportunity to interview and meet people that have a passion for old school living.
At Time Warp Wives you will be fascinated to meet ‘Timewarpians’ and regular folks from all over the world who share a passion for retro living. Time Warp Wives also will feature retro events, movies, music, fashion shows and the best retro places to shop. Those who come and visit my website will also enjoy beauty, fashion, and home keeping retro tips, passed down from past generations.
As a person that is very passionate about retro, I have always yearned to live in those bygone years. Although those days are far gone, I believe that we can still bring a little bit of the past to the 21 century and beyond. And that is what Time Warp Wives is all about.
Step in for a visit: